Monday, July 18, 2022

Videography competition VIC 2022

 The program

(Pertandingan Video Pesanan Khidmat Masyarakat & Video Inovasi Produk VIC 2022

Date:  11th of June 2022

Organizer: VIC (Video Innovation Club)

My positions: EXCO Cenderamata


Video Innovation Club has organized a video competition with the theme "Sayangi Bumi: Kita Adalah Penyelamat".
Throughout the program, I, as the souvenir committee (EXCO Cenderamata), was assigned to design e-certificates, prepare gifts and send e-certificates to every participant. There are five souvenir committee members: Aisyah Hanis, Fatin, Sharifah, Nurain, and myself, Han Lin. Each person has divided their respective tasks into e-certificates, preparing gifts, and sending e-certificates. There are six e-certificates that we need to provide: Winner Certificate, Advisor Certificate, Committee Certificate, Jury Certificate, Video Innovation Certificate, and PSA Certificate.

Also, a special guest, Dr. Azra, conducted a sharing session about "Kepetingan Menjaga Kelestarian Alam," which discusses causes and ways to overcome flooding.

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