Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Mengimbau Memori Bersama VIC (EXCO TEKNIKAL)

 The program

Mengimabu Memori Bersama VIC

Date: 27th of May 2023

Organizer: VIC (Video Innovation Club)

My positions: EXCO TEKNIKAL 


Video Innovation Club (VIC) has organized an event called "recall memory with VIC" with the theme “Hari Raya”. The activity was open to all VIC members, including alumni. A total of 69 VIC members participated in the event. Throughout the program, as a Technical Committee Member (Exco Teknika), I was assigned the responsibility of procuring the necessary technical equipment, planning and setting up the technical requirements for the program, and ensuring the proper functioning of the technical items. There were three members in the technical committee: Emma Elisya, Nurul Aiyani, and myself, Han Lin.

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