Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Majlis Ramah Mesra Berbuka Puasa VIC

The program

Majlis Ramah Mesra Berbuka Puasa VIC

Date: 12th of April 2023

Organizer: VIC (Video Innovation Club)

My positions: Average Participant (Ahli Biasa)


Video Innovation Club (VIC) arranged a celebration for its members and advisors to come together for a heartwarming ceremony, uniting in a friendly atmosphere to break the fast. The event was a true feast for the senses, with many mouthwatering dishes and delightful beverages to enjoy. As I savored the delicious food, I also relished socializing and connecting with fellow VIC members. Laughter and conversations filled the air, creating an ambiance of camaraderie and friendship. It was a delightful occasion where I satisfied my appetite and formed deeper connections within the VIC community, forging bonds that would last well beyond the event.

Lawatan Sambil Belajar ke Astro dan Muzium Negara

 The program

Lawatan Sambil Belajar ke Astro dan Muzium Negara

Date: 06th of June 2023

Organizer: VIC (Video Innovation Club)

My positions: Average Participant (Ahli Biasa)


As an esteemed Video Innovation Club (VIC) member, I am thrilled to be part of the upcoming study tour to Astro and the National Museum of Malaysia. VIC has meticulously organized this exclusive event to provide us with an immersive and enriching experience. I am eager to explore the inner workings of Astro, a prominent satellite television and radio broadcaster, where I will witness firsthand the cutting-edge technologies and behind-the-scenes operations that power the entertainment industry. Additionally, I am excited to delve into Malaysia's cultural heritage at the National Museum, gaining a deeper understanding of the nation's history and traditions. This study tour promises to be a remarkable journey of learning, discovery, and inspiration, and I am grateful for the opportunity to participate as a VIC member.

Mengimbau Memori Bersama VIC (EXCO TEKNIKAL)

 The program

Mengimabu Memori Bersama VIC

Date: 27th of May 2023

Organizer: VIC (Video Innovation Club)

My positions: EXCO TEKNIKAL 


Video Innovation Club (VIC) has organized an event called "recall memory with VIC" with the theme “Hari Raya”. The activity was open to all VIC members, including alumni. A total of 69 VIC members participated in the event. Throughout the program, as a Technical Committee Member (Exco Teknika), I was assigned the responsibility of procuring the necessary technical equipment, planning and setting up the technical requirements for the program, and ensuring the proper functioning of the technical items. There were three members in the technical committee: Emma Elisya, Nurul Aiyani, and myself, Han Lin.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Bengkel Videografi (Program Fasilitator)


Program School@UKM 2022

 The program

Permindahan Pengetahuan Komuniti (Bengkel Videografi dan Fotografi) 2022

Date: 27th of Dec 2022 to 29th of Dec 2022

Organizer: VIC (Video Innovation Club)

My positions: Program Fasilitator


In addition, as one of the program facilitators, I am also responsible for guiding and supporting the participants. Not only that, but I am also responsible for making sure the program can run smoothly. To achieve that goal, I need to prepare by attending a training held by VIC where all the other facilitators will also be present. During training, I have learned various techniques and skills for video editing. Using the techniques and skills I learned, I could teach and guide the participants better and more smoothly. I am also unbiased while teaching and guiding the participants. All participants are given the same treatment.

Bengkel Travelog Bersama Encik Haikal


Program School@UKM 2022

 The program

Bengkel Travelog Bersama Encik Haikal 2022

Date: 22nd of OCt 2022 

Organizer: VIC (Video Innovation Club)

My positions: Participant (Ahli Biasa)


Video Innovation Club (VIC) arranged a talk by Mr. Haikal where he will provide some tips and skills about how to do a travelogue. Throughout the event, I learned many techniques, and very glad I joined this event.

Majlis Ramah Mesra Berbuka Puasa VIC